Wednesday, January 6, 2016


My youngest daughter Hilma (yes her name is the same as mine lol!)...loves to make home made pasta!  She is at it again!...This time she is making RAVIOLI for her father,Carlo....Buonissimo!...E ancora mia figlia minore Hilmetta (si chiama Hilma come me) e' alle prese con la pasta fatta in casa!...Questa volta tocca ai RAVIOLI DI ZUCCA e ricotta,li ha fatti proprio per il suo papa' Carlo.
She runs the pasta dough several times through the pasta machine..Dopo aver impastato la semola e acqua,mia figlia procede a fare la sfoglia...

She then proceeds to fill the ravioli with pumkin and ricotta... Hilmetta procede a riempire la pasta con zucca e ricotta.

Isn't she just great?...Fresh ravioli!!!  Non e' grandiosa?  RAVIOLI di ZUCCA e RICOTTA...mmmmm!!!!

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